Inquiry Questions

In class we read two stories “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. this story brought several things to light the main one being how the most simplistic of concepts can be taken to far and extreme. Which caused several questions to come to mind. Why do equality and sameness go hand in hand? That is […]

2057 Predictions

To most people the year 2057 seems so far away that they don’t think about what our lives may look like then. When in actuality it’s like 37 years away and to some people that can be their entire life. Trust me I know how hard it can be to think abut the future when […]

Contemporary Fantasy Wrap Up

When you think about it all stories follow the same plot just with different characters and plot devices. To prove this theory I want you to think about your favorite story, its plot, its characters, and how they fit into the story. Now if I were to tell you a list of character description that […]

Norse Mythology Wrap up

I love Norse Mythology, the actual stories, but the alterations to make movies sometimes annoy me. The movie Thor drags on, has no plot line, and bounces all over the place. It does not give a specific main character and follows multiple different perspectives which aren’t important to the true myths. In comparison Rick Riordan […]